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School of English and International Studies

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Programs for International Students

School of English and International Studies (SEIS)

Established in 1944, SEIS is one of the oldest and most prestigious schools of its kind in China. For more than half a century, it exemplifies the highest standards of foreign language teaching and research in China. It was one of the first Chinese university departments authorized to run a PhD program. Its undergraduate English Language and Literature Program is the Chinese Ministry of Education’s National Key Program.

SEIS has a strong faculty of professors whose research covers English literature, linguistics, translation and interpreting, international relations, women’s studies, ethnic studies, and area studies (including American, British, Australian, Canadian, and Irish studies).

SEIS is committed to excellence in teaching and research, equity, and diversity.

Reasons for Choosing SEIS

1. Top-class teaching and research faculty: SEIS is recognized as the “flagship” school of the university and a national leader in studies of English language and literature.

2. Innovation, intercultural competence, and humanistic education: these are the three most important SEIS values.

3. All English-language learning environment: all programs are taught in English and students are required to submit theses in English.

4. Great opportunities of international programs: exchange and study abroad programs are set up in cooperation with renowned overseas universities.

5. Great opportunities of research: as a Key Program of English Language and Literature, SEIS has completed many state-level research projects and produced close to 200 publications in the past five years. These publications focus on British and American literature, Linguistics, Translation Studies and English Country Studies.

6. Full immersion in the Chinese students’ community: By joining Chinese students in the same class, international students can quickly adapt to Chinese culture.

Degree Programs


SEIS aims to equip its undergraduate students with a good command of the English language and a deep knowledge of English literature, a broad range of competence, leadership, international vision and the abilities to learn, to think critically, to create and to cooperate. SEIS graduates have proved to be competitive in the job market and have enormous potential in careers ranging from foreign affairs, international trade, cultural exchange and international communication to teaching of English as a second language. They are also well equipped for further studies not only in English, but also in other humanistic and social disciplines.


SEIS’s graduate courses focus on professional knowledge and research methodology. They are intended to broaden students’ scope of knowledge, and prepare them to become professionals equipped with humanistic knowledge, independent research ability and high self-motivation. The graduates are expected to play leading roles in organizations of foreign affairs, international communication, cross-cultural exchange and international trade and commerce, as well as in the fields of teaching and research in academic institutions.

Programs Taught in English

Degree Programs





English and International Studies

1. Linguistics & Applied Linguistics

2. English & American Literature

3. Social & Cultural Studies

4. Country and Regional Studies

5. Foreign Language Education

1. Linguistics & Applied Linguistics

2. English & American Literature

3. American Studies

4. British Studies

5. Australian Studies

6. Irish Studies

7. Canadian Studies (Do not recruit in 2025)

1. English & American Literature

2. Linguistics & Applied Linguistics

3. American & European Studies

Course Duration

4 years

3 years

3 years

Tuition (RMB/Year)




Application Fee (RMB)




Deadline of Application

31 May of each year

31 May of each year

31 May of each year

Starting Time

Fall Semester

Fall Semester

Fall Semester

Entry Requirements

1.High school certificate with a good academic record

2. IELTS 6.5 or equivalent

(If English is not the applicant’s first language)

3. Chinese Language

Background is preferred

1. BA with related background and a good academic record

2. IELTS 7.0 or equivalent

(If English is not the applicant’s first language)

3. Chinese Language

Background is preferred

1.MA with related background and a good academic record

2. IELTS 7.0 or equivalent

(If English is not the applicant’s first language)

3. Chinese Language

Background is preferred

Programs Taught in English and Chinese

Degree Programs





Translation & Interpreting

(Chinese language skills required)

1. Translation Studies

2. MTI

1. English-Chinese Translation

2. English-Chinese Interpreting

(Chinese language skills required)

Translation Studies

(Chinese language skills required)

Course Duration

4 years

Translation Studies 3 years;MTI 2 years


Tuition (RMB/Year)




Application Fee (RMB)




Deadline of Application

31 May of each year

31 May of each year

31 May of each year

Starting Time

Fall Semester

Fall Semester

Fall Semester

Entry Requirements

1. High school certificate with a good academic record

2.IELTS 6.5 or equivalent (If English is not the applicant’s first language)

3. HSK level 6 (over 210) or equivalent (If Chinese is not the applicant’s first language)

1. BA with related background and a good academic record

2. IELTS 7.0 or equivalent (If English is not the applicant’s first language)

3.HSK level 6 (over 210) or equivalent

(If Chinese is not the applicant’s first language)

1.MA with related background and a good academic record

2. IELTS 7.0 or equivalent (If English is not the applicant’s first language)

3.HSK level 6 (over 210) or equivalent

(If Chinese is not the applicant’s first language)

Non-Degree ProgramsTaught in English

Non-degree programs are specially designed for international students who wish to study at the School of English and International Studies for a semester or an academic year.

China Studies

This program aims to forge academic excellence through an exciting multidisciplinary curricula on various aspects of China. It offers a variety of courses on Chinese culture, economy and literature, aiming at giving students a panoramic view of the ancient culture and the contemporary development of China.

Study Abroad

These programs enable undergraduate students from abroad to spend a year or a semester at SEIS. The credits from SEIS will count towards the student’s final degree at his/her home university. SEIS has a range of degree courses on offer from the six disciplines below (including China Studies).

Non-Degree Programs


Study Abroad


China Studies

1. English & American Literature

2. Linguistics & Applied Linguistics

3. Social & Cultural Studies

4. Political &Economic Studies

5. Translation & Interpreting (Chinese language skills required)

Course Duration

0.5 year/1year

0.5 year/1year

Tuition (RMB)

17,500 per semester/35,000 per year

13,000 per semester /26,000 per year

Application Fee (RMB)



Deadline of Application

Spring Semester: 15 December of each year

Fall Semester: 31 May of each year

Spring Semester: 15 December of each year

Fall Semester: 31 May of each year

Starting Time

Spring Semester/ Fall Semester

Spring Semester/ Fall Semester

Entry Requirements

1.University undergraduate students with a good academic record

2. IELTS 6.5 or equivalent

(If English is not the applicant’s first language)

1. University undergraduate students with a good academic record

2. IELTS 6.5 or equivalent

(If English is not the applicant’s first language)

Checklist of Required Documents

1. Completed Application Form

2. Custody release form (Please download, fill in and upload.)

3. Student Affirmations (Please download, fill in and upload.)

4. Copy of guardian’s ID card or photo page of passport

5. Copy of passport photo page and 3 recent photos (passport-size)

6. Copy of graduation certificates and transcripts from the last school or educational institution (If the documents are written neither in Chinese nor English, a Chinese or English translation should be submitted at the same time.)

7. Copy of valid IELTS/TOFEL/TOEIC Report (if English is not the applicant’s first language)

8. Copy of valid HSK Report (if applicable)

9. Personal Statement (including reasons of choosing China and BFSU for pursuing further studies)

10. Curriculum Vitae (in English)

11. Research proposal (for master, 1500 words or over/doctor, 3000 words or over, applicants)

12. 2 Reference (including evaluation of the applicant’s learning ability, reference for master/doctor applicants should be from two former associate professors/professors or with similar qualifications)

13. Visa page (for applicants currently studying at a university in China)

14. Study certificate(for applicants currently studying at a university in China. Please upload to the file entitled “other attachment”.)

15. School transfer certificate or school withdrawal certificate (for applicants currently studying for degrees at a university in China. Please upload to the file entitled “other attachment”.)

16. Recommendation letter and academic transcript from your current university (for applicants currently studying in a university in China Please upload to the file entitled “other attachment”.)

Contact Details

School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Room109, School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University

No.2 North Xisanhuan Avenue, Haidian District, Beijing, 100089, China

Phone: +86 10 88814532


English Language Equivalencies














