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Coming From Afar: Sunday Campus Tour of the Fresh Overseas Students

author: [time]:2018-03-07 [source]: [Times of browsing]:

Here is March. As fully packed studentsare returning, a new batch of overseasstudents are entering. They come from afarand their hometowns are miles apart. Tohelp them quickly get familiarized with theenvironment and get a first bite of BFSUcharm, on March 4, Overseas StudentsAffairs Office (OSAO) organized severalvolunteers to show them around.

The volunteers and overseas students gathered before the Student Service Center (the so-called honglou in BFSU dialect) at 11 a.m. and were divided into different groups. It was a sunny day and a nice tour.

Mary from School of International Relations and Diplomacy speaks fluent Chinese. She described her impression of BFSU as having a big campus and having everything interesting. She said she likes Chinese food yet finds some Chinese-style spiciness unacceptable. When getting to the library, a couple of students were strongly appealed by the front wall inscribed with dozens of languages. They began looking for their mother language and felt a surge of warmth and tenderness when seeing it.

Then Mary and two male students were led into the library to have a good look. They were shown how to borrow and return books there so that they would feel more at ease in the future.

At 1 p.m. the second batch of foreignstudents came in. Andy from Sweden wasinterviewed. When asked about his firstimpression, he also said the campus wasreally big (imagine what he would say aftergoing to other universities in Beijing,haha).

Philip from Germany is studying inthe School of Chinese Language andLiterature. His BFSU impression is “cooland cold”. He said Chinese food is really“nice”. When asked about why he chose BFSU,Philip told us he thinks BFSU is quiteinternational and inclusive to differentstudents and cultures, and by studyinghere, he will have a bigger vision.

Spring is nearing. With old students returned and overseas friends entered, BFSU is brimming with energy and young blood. In the bright sunlight, like a seed of flower, the seed of international friendship is budding.

Journalist: Xu Lingyan

Photographer: Tang Shiqi

Editor: Gou Xiaoting

Acknowledgements: OSAO

Contribution:Journalist Group, Youth Media Center, BFSU